Fiscal Expert
Reine Flore TAMO, Conseil Fiscal Agréé CEMAC and ONCFC, with the advantage of more than ten years of tax practice in renowned firms, wanted to put all her expertise and rich experience at the service of the development of African companies, so that they can be able to face efficiently and calmly the current requirements and future challenges. The current international environment is marked by the globalization of economies, trade, customs and fiscal barriers tend to disappear in favor of increasingly harmonized systems. Its changes require from each company support and monitoring commensurate with the challenges. It is in this context that she created the firm FISC’AF which is an abbreviation of “African Taxation”, which specializes in tax and legal engineering. Member of GICAM (Groupement Inter-Patronat du Cameroun) and active in various commissions including: – FISCAL, PARAFISCAL AND CUSTOMS COMMISSION (C-FPD); – INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS AND RELATIONS WITH THE DIASPORA COMMITTEE (C-AIRD); – BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE (C-EA); – LEGAL AFFAIRS, LITIGATION AND REGULATION COMMITTEE (C-AJCR); – FEMALE ENTREPEUNARIAT COMMITTEE (C-EF).
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