A Panafrican Civil Society Organization

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Promoting Personal Data Governance in Africa

For the closing of the year 2022, MyData Cameroon has organized, this December 21, 2022, in collaboration with MyData a webinar on: “Personal Data Governance: What perspectives for 2023 ?”. The objective of this meeting was, first of all, to present a summary of the activities carried out during the year 2022 and to look forward to 2023, by setting up action plans to achieve the objectives of MyData in Africa. It is worth reminding that MyData’s objective is to promote best practices in personal data management.

During the webinar, participants took the opportunity to present once again MyData through several overarching questions :
  • What is MyData?
  • What is the process to join MyData?
  • What are the avenues to play a role in the good management of personal data in Africa?
Recommendations were made based on the activities conducted in 2022 :
  1. Develop a database to share information and personal data-related files for members
  2. Organise more webinars on personal data management at least once a month during the year 2023.
Finally, members were also encouraged to promote MyData Global in order to build a stronger community for the benefit of the community at large in Africa.

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